In today’s era most of the development projects are delayed because such projects are always opposed by the communities. The think tank at DevEmerge understands that the development communication is the use of communication tools/techniques to facilitate the social-economic development of communities.
DevEmerge aspires to disseminate the positive impacts of development projects through communication techniques such as information dissemination & education, social marketing, social mobilization, behavioral change, media advocacy, communication for social change and community participation, redressal and feedback mechanisms.
Our approach is to resolve the developmental challenges through development communication. It starts with the development through understanding of key issues at ground, grouping the communities/audiences based on their positions, listing the group-wise issues, drafting the appropriate messages, addressing the issues, identifying the effective mix of channels to reach communities/audiences at ground, build communication capacity to executing and implement the process, building consensus, and designing feedback mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation.